Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Opportunities in the Creative Industries in the era of Mobile Lifestyle

Prime Lecture: Opportunities in the Creative Industries in the era of Mobile LifestyleMinister of Communication: Technology in Indonesia is still too Focus on the Economy
Jakarta, August 23, 2010 - Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) held his inaugural lecture on Monday, August 23, 2010. The theme this time is the inaugural lecture on Creative Industry Opportunities in the Era of Mobile Life Style. Present as keynote speaker was the Minister of Communications and Informatics, Ir Tifatul Sembiring. It is also present as a speaker Johan Kremer, Head of Alliance SEA Research in Motion (RIM) Blackberry producer, Prof. John Soares of the California State Polytechniqe USA, and Andy Zain (Founder of Mobile Monday Indonesia), Taslim Eddy (Deputy Director of Business Compass). This inaugural lecture is the third time and is a regular agenda held yearly beginning of each academic year UMN since its establishment in 2007.
Why is the theme of the creative industry opportunities in the era of mobile life style? According to recent data, 67% of the world population is always mobile. Ownership of mobile phones for example, three times bigger than TV and four times larger than the computer. Even in Indonesia, the number of mobile phone users even greater. According to data from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) issued by the end of 2009, Indonesia was ranked sixth in the world, after China, India, U.S., Russia and Brazil, the largest number of mobile phone users is 140 578 200 users. This figure is predicted to skyrocket to 210 million users at the end of 2010. 80% of phones sold have features internet access, even 10 million of them have 3G. Besides Indonesia finally displacing Russia from the first position of web access via the Opera Mini browser on mobile phones. Achieving 317 percent growth since 2009. Indonesia is now called Russia's defeat reached the first position, perched at number 1 since two years. Thus, the top 10 countries using Opera for May 2010 are: Indonesia, Russia, India, China, Nigeria, Ukraine, South Africa, USA, Vietnam and Britain.
Speaking in front of the new student generation UMN, 2010, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Ir. Tifatul Sembiring, presented the topic "Government Policy in Local Mobile Encourages Development of Industry", former President of the Prosperous Justice Party was mentioned that the mobile phone are mostly imported products. The mobile industry is very dynamic industry and Indonesia into the country's top mobile phone and Internet users. In competitions always bring innovative new players, who were finally able to penetrate the dominance of incumbents. In this situation, Indonesia actually has a significant opportunity to participate successfully in the competitive mobile industry, particularly those requiring low entry barriers such content. For that, we need a business climate conducive to spur the growth of local industries, especially those that can be done by the young technopreneur. In this kiatan Menkominfo explained that he had been to the Sony-Ericsson headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden, some time ago and ask directly to the ranks of top management of the company to move its mobile phone production center from Singapore to Indonesia. In addition, he also called for local content in the mobile phone product-largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world two more enlarged so it can be a domino effect on the improvement of its employees and all stakeholders in the field of mobile media creative industry in Indonesia.
On the same occasion Minister of Communication mentions, in the development of the communications industry in Indonesia has begun to thrive, especially in education. For example the internet, e-learning, and so on. But the technology in Indonesia is still focused more on the economy, therefore we have to further optimize the other fields, such as social, political, cultural, and so on. The point is added Tifatul Sembiring, there should be greater emphasis on ICT technology and it should begin as soon as possible.
Nowadays, advanced Menkominfo, is the age of convergence which is the integration between broadcasting technology, telecommunications and the Internet. Consequently, the utilization of Internet-based technologies be pretty terlekkan in communication. In this connection the government, he says, has a policy to make technology a neutral, impartial and not stuck in one technology alone. At this time the Internet has entered into various corners of the region, to the village and the villages. Tujunnya simple, so that all people in Indonesia are technology literate. Specifically, Menkominfo berpantun who likes this style of Malay states, there are several steps that have been, are and will continue to be the government in terms of improving the competitiveness of the ICT Indonesia against the global ICT players such as China and India. These steps are among others to build the Internet infrastructure in rural Indonesia, conducting telephone tariffs, and tariff internet. Next is to develop e-commerce and e-government is better and intensive. Finally, the government looked very necessary to create and then continually refine cyber law as a legal umbrella for all ICT activities in Indonesia.

By: M. Raudy Gathmyr, UMN Staff Pemgajar FIKOM

Source : http://www.unimedia.ac.id/

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